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What is the council doing about it?


What is the council doing about it?

Lambeth has committed to become a carbon neutral council by 2030

In January 2019, Lambeth became the first London council to declare a climate emergency and committed to become a carbon neutral council by 2030 .

The council has recently published the first annual review of its action plan to become a carbon neutral council by 2030, which you can find on the Lambeth Council website .

In response to coronavirus, we're investing in footway widening, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and Healthy Routes to make it safer to walk and cycle around the borough, to protect public transport for those who need it and improve air quality.

There are a number of other council strategies, action plans, and resources that are relevant to climate change action in Lambeth, including the Local Plan and its evidence base , Air Quality Action Plan , Sustainable Transport Strategy and Implementation Plan , Flooding Guide , Waste Management Strategy , Biodiversity Action Plan , and Green Infrastructure Strategy , among others. The climate action plan for Lambeth will build on these.

The council must play a leadership and enabling role, and use its planning, delivery, lobbying and regulatory powers to influence change. But it doesn't have the power or the solutions to significantly reduce carbon emissions across the borough alone.

We want to hear your ideas about what we can do together in Lambeth to tackle the climate emergency.

This engagement phase has finished

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