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Lambeth: Climate Assembly steering group sets direction for the future

I recently had the pleasure of chairing the inaugural meeting of the climate assembly steering group, and I’m glad to say that we are now up and running.

By way of introduction the climate assembly is designed to explore what everyday residents from Lambeth think about the climate emergency we’re facing, what the solutions might be, to navigate the trade-offs and the barriers we need to overcome if we are to achieve our commitment to making Lambeth a carbon neutral borough by 2030.

They’ll be making recommendations later this year. This follows the launch of the Lambeth Climate Action Hub in July 2020, which you contributed to. Your feedback will be carefully considered by the steering group, and their independent expert advisory group, to inform the focus and evidence for the assembly.

For more information, please take a look at the full article here:

Ultimately, I want to see us getting to carbon neutral in Lambeth as quickly as possible, and that is going to require everyone playing their part, with those able to do more of the heavy lifting doing so and recognising that for some, smaller sacrifices are relatively larger.

The steering group will return to this and I suspect we all have a very different set of desired outcomes! However,​ this is not about the steering group and what our hopes and dreams might be. The assembly will create a set of recommendations on how everyone across the borough can do its part. Big organisations, local shops, individual residents, and everyone in between.

I aim to blog regularly on and send updates like this. Please also keep an eye on our website and the Lambeth Climate Action Hub where we will be posting the information, documentation and the sessions themselves.

Cllr Jack Hopkins

Leader of Lambeth Council

Posted on 3rd February 2021

by Cllr Jack Hopkins, Leader of Lambeth Council