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Lambeth demonstrates local ambition during global COP- 26 climate conference

Lambeth demonstrates local ambition during global COP- 26 climate conference

During COP26 summit Lambeth’s Citizen Assembly members will be releasing 13 the ambitious recommendations aimed at tackling the climate crisis.

As world leaders gather in Glasgow for the annual UN climate conference, COP26, residents in Lambeth show the determination for action at the local level. Lambeth’s citizens’ assembly members will be the face of a social media campaign, sharing their ambitious ideas for the borough and beyond.

"It's COP26 – a UN Conference where world leaders gather to make commitments to tackle the climate crisis. We'll be sharing recommendations for our upcoming Climate Action Plan from #LambethsClimateAssembly during COP" Lambeth_council

What is Lambeth Council doing?

Across the 13 days of COP26 (31 October to 12 November) Lambeth's Citizens' Assembly members will feature in a social media campaign, inspired to act by their experiences.

Efe, Citizens' Assembly member

Follow our social channels to get involve in the conversation and hear from local residents . Lambeth_council (Twitter) Lambeth_council (Instagram)

Have your say!

Residents and businesses based in Lambeth are invited to share the actions they’re taking on the Citizens' Assembly recommendations page by by 14 November.

Why is this important?

Lambeth is working with major institutions and businesses across the borough to develop the Assembly recommendations into a co-produced, collaborative Climate Action Plan. That's why your feedback is so important. It will be framework to support residents, businesses and organisations reach our collective vision of a greener, fairer, better Lambeth. It will be finalised by the end of 2021.

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What is COP-26?

COP 26 is the United Nations (UN) annual climate change conference. COP stands for conference of parties – these ‘parties’ are the 196 nations who signed up to the UN climate treaty in 1994.

This year, it’s the 26th meeting and it’s hosted in the Glasgow from 1-12 November. World leaders will be negotiating and agreeing their targets to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

Find out more here:

Posted on 27th October 2021

by Hope Carpenter